Helpline Skills Training & Coaching
London & Online

Online Learning Platform



Access Materials Whenever You Need Them

What Is the Online Learning Hub?

The Online Learning Hub is where you can access all the course materials and helpline training you have learned on our training courses. The Online Learning Hub consists of animations, quizzes and videos that will reinforce your understanding and further your knowledge.

The great thing about the Online Learning Hub is that everything is online and you can log on 24/7. Whatever the time or day you can learn about all the topics on the training courses, whenever you want and in your own time.



How to Use the Online Learning Hub?

If you have attended a training course you have unrestricted access to the Online Learning Hub for three months. The Online Learning Hub contains information on all the topics you have covered on your operator training courses. At the end of each module is a checklist so you can go back if you've missed anything.

Our aim is to ensure each caller has the highest quality engagement and to support this we are offering access to the online learning hub to anyone interested in call responding, developing a helpline service or self-care. There is the option to subscribe for ongoing access or purchase a single course at a time.

Available to individuals and we can offer organisation-wide access.

If you have any questions about accessing the Online Learning Hub or what's inside, please contact us at Authentic Responses.



I feel more confident that I could hold a structured online chat session now...

Really good and engaging day - thank you. I liked the structure and the mixed group sessions were helpful. Everything covered was useful and practical and I feel more confident that I could hold a structured online chat session now, using appropriate language. Key takeaway - the structure of the conversation from starting through to finishing, focusing on the caller and not my own perspective or opinion Nicola - LawCare   |     |  

Organisations we have worked with 

 Carers UK Logo

 Macular Society Logo

 Proud Trust Logo


 Beat Logo

 LawCare Logo

 Royal Osteoporosis Logo







Skills Training Provider in London and Worldwide